What food really costs us

What food really costs us

As Thanksgiving approaches, food is at the forefront of many Americans' minds. This holiday brings attention to our food system, and it's worth considering how many people in the U.S. have been misled about the true value of food and how precious it is.

For example, take a $5.99 name-brand apple pie from the grocery store. The reality is that manufacturers may only spend around 75 cents on the ingredients. This low cost is due to two main factors: large companies leverage their buying power to negotiate cheaper prices from farmers, and they rely on low-quality, highly processed ingredients. These fillers are not only bad for our health but also for the environment. In the long run, that $5.99 pie costs all of us much more.

This is why supporting businesses that prioritize ethics is crucial. While their products may come at a premium, there's a reason for that price. Supporting small businesses that prioritize quality and ethics means your dollar is going toward more than just the final product. Every cent contributes to sourcing higher-quality ingredients, fair wages, sustainable practices, and the craftsmanship that goes into creating food that’s better for both you and the planet. While these products may cost more upfront, they reflect the true value of ethical production and long-term sustainability. 

Our business is committed to sustainable growth, with the ultimate goal of making wholesome, real food accessible to everyone.


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